Tuesday, May 3, 2011


AM I allowed to truly feel what I feel
When I feel it
Or must I play the part, put on the face
Act like I’m okay
Be what you want me to be
Which is anything except
The real me

Can I scream aloud my feelings high
Let my cry echo into the sky
Without fear
Of being seen as weird or crazy

AM I allowed to express
Let go, release or at best
Just be who I am
In any moment
Without a judge
Of character
Or the pointing of a flaw

Can I be just right
Though to the world
I’m really wrong

Well in their eyes
It seems that I
Don’t exist
They can’t explain me
So they just ignore me
Refuse to adore
My true beauty

They can’t deny
That I am here
So they walk around
Like I’m not there

Impolite stares
In a crowded room
Worshiping their own
Avoiding the one and only me
Beautiful brown
Honey hued
Skin that they’d just like to
Wish away

© Chaile Divine, 2011
May 3
