Saturday, September 12, 2009

Passion Rejected, Lovers Scorned

The rhythmic pounding
Incessant beating
Time keeping
Sound of
My heart

Steeped deep in confusion
Dark grief muddies
The gentle water of hope in my soul

Passion strong
Intent wistful
My soul hopes in vain
Longing to find
My love

Target locked
You are the one
Fire starter of my being
Tempered expectation
Fevered crescendo of adoration erupts
Engulfing my singular frame

Without warning
Unprepared I enter
This realm of emotion
Meant for the heart strong
Like a babe
I steady myself
First steps of passion
Embracing unknown terrain

Flames inhaling flesh
Sweet enticing visions
Of togetherness

Restrained heat sultry arms
Stealing away lovers at night
Caution left behind for
Forbidden pleasure

Passion rejected
Lovers scorned
Why can’t we
Be together?

© Chaile Divine, 2009
August 15

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It is you, I love

I have tried in vain to deny
This one simple truth
Tried to bury my feelings
Push aside, how I feel about you

Before I have rhymed of logic
How it no longer provides for me
A reason, argument or solution
For this new insanity

When I see you my heart rate soars
Yet with each beat stands still
My body quakes and trembles
No longer responding to my will

Soul mate, could it be you?
For my heart would give me no peace
I have done all I could to do
Yet I can find no release

And should I run as it were
To the four corners of the earth
Just to temper this passion inside
Deny my very worth

If only to find a way
My feeling for you so strong
To restrain these new emotions
Existing within my soul

I would sing of magnificent vistas
Dream of opulent hues
Swirl in the mist of possibilities
Of a life I could share with you

Why me, why now, why this
Why here, why us, why you
No answer will suffice
Or negate this passion true

Good God! I cry in vain
I wrench my heart in tears
My prayer arise to heaven
To my fathers listening ears

Yet he sees with in me the cause
The reason my love goes away
And he tells me I must be healed
Before my love with me would stay

It is you, it is you, it is you
My soul would daily declare
My sunshine maker you are
My beautiful Delly dear
I love

© Chaile Divine, 2009
Sept 2

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Want Chocolate

Delightfully delicious
Sweet to the touch
My thoughts of you baby
Can be a bit much

But when you are,
here, inside
It doesn't take much for me
To swallow my pride

And give in to desire
Body and soul
Give in to your presence
Let you take hold

Your hand on my bottom
Your breath on my neck
Arms locked to embrace me
No time to reflect

Sultry heat from our bodies
On a passionate ride
Liquid fire unfolds
As we flow and we glide

Our eyes locked intensely
Lips, tongues intertwined
The taste of sweet chocolate
Good God... blows my mind

And when you're not here
I sit and reflect
Your presence still lingers
And I want chocolate

© Chaile Divine, 2009
May 28

Friday, March 13, 2009


This time you called and said hello
it seems my heart you won't let go

My presence my love you now desire
To touch and caress you do inspire

Me to planes of ecstasy
Our souls as one we now soar free

I loved you true so I let go
You came back freely and now I know

You really want to be together
Determined now to treat me better

And call and text and think of me
I remember last night how
in love you held me

So close to you
my sweet soul

my one my only
to have to hold

© Chaile Divine, 2009
March 13

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Daddy's Gone

She watches her dad walk away
and then she goes outside to play
its no big deal you hear her say
but she doesn't feel right that entire day
or any other day thereafter
and soon her life is a road of disaster
for everyone she tries to trust
it seems shes only trying to catch up
to her daddy that left her long before
she had no idea what life had in store for her
though she loved all with intentions good
it seems no one who loved her really understood
her needs and wants, her heart's desire
to be seen, heard, held, loved by her father
the question remains as it stands
is she brave enough to face the grief at hand?
to feel the loss of daddy's love
the hugs, the attention she never got
and let go of the need to replace him
and live a life of truth embracing
the knowledge that in all things
Gods love is all she truly needs

© Chaile Divine, 2009
February 5

Monday, January 26, 2009

Blood Rush

Swi...ssh is the sound I hear
my yahoo messenger alerts
My special friend is online

The tone alone has the power
To change the way I breathe
Your name seen in an instant
Quickens my heart beat

My brain looses all prior thoughts
Queasy feelings rise in me
My ears hot
My throat squeezed
all words I now speak
with a low guttural voice

my chest heaves up and down
oxygen seems scarce
my veins begin to vibrate
as the flow increases there

i hold my breath unknowingly
aware only intermittently
when I heave a sigh

my heart pounds incessantly
and i know the reason why

you're not even in my presence
no where near me physically
but the changes in my anatomy
they amaze even me

god how could this be
how could i feel
like this
for you

you're online though miles away
and you haven't got a clue
that i love you

that without any act of your own
my whole equilibrium
is disrupted by the thought
the very concept of you

beyond my control
beyond reason and logic
my emotions rise up
grasping my vital organs

my heart pumps faster
my lungs expel erratically
my cheeks get hot
my face is flushed
as my body is
consumed by this
blood rush

© Chaile Divine, 2009
January 27

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dance with Perfection

Perfect you are perfect
Your body is scrumptious
your touch infectious
your energy vivacious

there you stood
and all that I could do
was marvel at
your presence

gentle tremors of wonder
cascaded along my heart
tumultuous rhythm of reality
soaking in

and there you stood
in my presence
in 3D, wow

and with eyes focused on
the dance of life began
silent longings rising above
thunderous awe

enveloped in arms that held me tight
i feel your body close to mine
my frame against yours in magnetic perfection

your smell intoxicating
i linger in your embrace
and in gentle amazement
my eyes observe your face

wow, you and me together
at last

you are perfect absolute perfection
everything as it should be
your lips delicious
your smile ambitious
your eyes amorous

And with one kiss
the world began anew
entering a plane
so different than its former
self it shed its old skin
to reveal pristine
garments radiating only
pure love

© Chaile Divine, 2009
January 9